Cottage Pie

Cottage Pie

A traditional classic dish that both tastes great yet is filled with goodness, a meal the whole family will enjoy. This version is dairy and gluten free. To make the dish vegetarian, Quorn mince could be used instead.

Cottage Pie

Preparation time - 30 minutes
Cooking time - 1 1/2 hours

Ingredients (serves 6)

2 carrots
1 parsnip
2 onions
4 tbsp oil
375g beef mince
3 tbsp cornflour
2 beef stock pots
800ml water
180g frozen peas
340g tin of sweetcorn
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 tsp Worcester sauce
1.3 Kg potatoes
2 tbsp vegan butter
60ml soya cream
salt and pepper, to season

To cook

1. Dice the carrots, parsnip and onions. Fry in the oil until soft.

Dice the carrots, parsnip and onions. Fry in the oil till soft

2Add the mince. Fry until browned then stir in the cornflour.

Add the mince. Fry until browned then stir in the cornflour

3. Make the stock by mixing the stock pots with the water. Add to the pan.

To make the stock, mix the stock pots with the water. Add to the pan

4. Meanwhile, chop the potatoes and add to a pan of water to boil.

Meanwhile, chop the potatoes and boil for 20 minutes

5. Add the peas. Add the sweetcorn along with the water from the tin. Add the Worcester sauce and simmer for 20 minutes.

Add the peas. Add the sweetcorn along with the water from the tin. Add the Worcester sauce and simmer for 20 minutes

6. Transfer the filling to an oven dish to cool.

Transfer the filling to an oven dish to cool

7. Drain and mash the potatoes with the butter and cream and leave to cool. Once the mash and the filling are cool (to prevent them from mixing together), use a spoon to spread the mash over the filling.   

spread the mash over the filling

8. Use a fork to smooth out the mash. Season with salt and pepper and place in the oven at 180c for 30 minutes.

Use a fork to smooth out the mash. Season with salt and pepper and place in the oven at 180c for 30 minutes

9. Remove from the oven.

Remove from the oven

10. Serve.

